Can You Microwave Spam? Safety Tips and Guidelines

Looking to add some sizzle to your meals? The burning question on your mind might be: Can you microwave spam? Well, you’re about to uncover the secrets of turning this beloved canned meat into a piping hot delight using your trusty microwave.

Get ready to experience a whole new level of convenience and flavor. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of microwaving spam, addressing your burning questions and providing expert tips along the way.

Whether you’re a curious foodie or simply seeking a quick and tasty meal solution, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your fork and prepare for a mouthwatering journey through the realm of microwaved spam. Let’s get cooking!

Main Summary: Can You Microwave Spam?

Microwaving Spam is safe and easy. After removing it from the can, slice it and place on a microwave-safe dish. Heat in 1-minute intervals, checking for desired warmth. Caution: It may splatter, use a cover. Avoid microwaving the can.

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Step by Step: Can You Microwave Spam?

Step by Step: Can You Microwave Spam?

What is Spam?

Spam is a popular canned meat product that has been a pantry staple for decades. It was first introduced in 1937 by the Hormel Foods Corporation and gained popularity during World War II due to its long shelf life and versatility.

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Spam is made from a blend of pork, ham, salt, water, modified potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrite. Its unique taste and texture have made it a beloved ingredient in many dishes around the world.

Is It Safe to Microwave Spam?

When it comes to cooking Spam, many people wonder about the safety of using a microwave. Let’s dive deeper into this topic and explore the factors that contribute to the safety of microwaving Spam.

One of the primary concerns when cooking any meat product is ensuring that it reaches a safe internal temperature to eliminate any potential bacteria or pathogens. This applies to Spam as well. Microwaving can be an effective method for achieving this, but it’s essential to follow proper guidelines to ensure food safety.

When using a microwave to cook Spam, consider the following points:

  • Even Heating: Microwaves work by emitting electromagnetic waves that excite the water molecules in food, generating heat. It’s important to ensure that the microwave heats the Spam evenly to kill any bacteria. To achieve this, follow the recommended cooking times and power levels specific to your microwave model.
  • Internal Temperature: The safe internal temperature for cooked Spam, as with most meats, is 160°F (71°C). Use a food thermometer to check the internal temperature and ensure that it reaches this threshold. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat to get an accurate reading.
  • Proper Containers: When microwaving Spam, use only microwave-safe containers or plates. These containers are designed to withstand the heat generated by the microwave without melting or releasing harmful chemicals. Avoid using containers made of materials such as plastic wrap or Styrofoam, as they may melt or leach chemicals into the food.
  • Covering the Spam: While microwaving Spam, cover it with a microwave-safe lid or a microwave-safe paper towel. This helps trap the steam, keeping the meat moist and preventing splattering. Additionally, covering the Spam can help distribute the heat more evenly, ensuring that the entire piece of meat reaches the desired temperature.
  • Resting Time: After microwaving the Spam, allow it to rest for a few minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute within the meat and the temperature to stabilize. It also helps ensure a more enjoyable eating experience, as the meat will be easier to handle and the flavors will have a chance to develop.

How to Cook Spam in a Microwave

Cooking Spam in a microwave is a quick and hassle-free way to enjoy this versatile canned meat. Follow this detailed step-by-step guide to achieve delicious results every time.

Step 1: Preparation

Start by removing the Spam from its can and discarding any excess liquid. Pat the Spam slices dry with a paper towel to remove any moisture. Decide on the thickness of the slices based on your preference. Thinner slices will cook faster and become crispier, while thicker slices retain more moisture.

Step 2: Microwave-Safe Dish

Select a microwave-safe dish or plate that is large enough to accommodate the Spam slices without crowding. It’s important to provide enough space for even cooking. Avoid using metal or non-microwave-safe containers, as they can cause damage to the microwave or affect the cooking process.

Step 3: Seasoning

Enhance the flavor of your Spam by adding seasonings and spices. You can use a variety of options such as black pepper, garlic powder, paprika, or even a teriyaki sauce for a tasty twist. Apply the seasonings to both sides of the Spam slices, ensuring an even coating. This will infuse the meat with delicious flavors.

Step 4: Microwave Settings

Place the seasoned Spam slices onto the microwave-safe dish, making sure they are arranged in a single layer. Set the microwave to medium power level. The exact cooking time will depend on the wattage of your microwave and the thickness of the Spam slices.

Step 5: Cooking Time

Start with shorter cooking times to prevent overcooking. As a general guideline, microwave the Spam for 1-2 minutes on medium power. Monitor the cooking process closely to avoid burning or drying out the Spam. Adjust the cooking time as needed to achieve your desired level of doneness.

Step 6: Covering

To prevent splattering and retain moisture, cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe paper towel. The covering will help the Spam cook more evenly and maintain its juiciness during the cooking process.

Step 7: Checking for Doneness

After the initial cooking time, check the Spam for doneness. It should have a golden brown color and a slightly crispy texture on the outside.

Use a fork or tongs to gently press on the Spam slices. They should feel firm but still have some juiciness to them. If the slices are too soft or pink in the middle, continue microwaving in short intervals until fully cooked.

Step 8: Resting Period

Once the Spam is cooked to your desired level, remove it from the microwave. Let it rest for a couple of minutes on the plate before serving. This resting period allows the flavors to settle and the meat to become more tender. It also helps the slices retain their juiciness.

Step 9: Serving Suggestions

Enjoy the cooked Spam slices on their own as a quick snack or incorporate them into various recipes. They can be used as a filling for sandwiches, diced and added to salads, or pan-fried for a crispy texture.

Things to Avoid when Microwaving Spam

Microwaving Spam is a popular and convenient way to prepare this canned meat. However, to ensure the best results and maintain food safety, it’s essential to avoid certain pitfalls. Here are some points to keep in mind when microwaving Spam:

Using High Power Settings

Avoid using high power settings on your microwave when cooking Spam. High power can lead to uneven cooking and may result in some parts of the Spam being overcooked while others remain undercooked. It’s recommended to use medium power settings to ensure more consistent and thorough cooking.

Neglecting to Rotate or Stir

To promote even cooking, it’s important to rotate or stir the Spam during the microwaving process. This helps distribute the heat evenly and prevents certain areas from becoming overly hot. Gently rotate the dish or stir the Spam slices halfway through the cooking time to achieve uniform results.

Not Checking the Internal Temperature

While microwaving Spam, it’s crucial to ensure that it reaches a safe internal temperature. The USDA recommends cooking canned meats, including Spam, to an internal temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) to eliminate any potential bacteria or pathogens. Use a food thermometer to check the temperature and adjust the cooking time if needed.

Microwaving Unopened Cans

Never attempt to microwave unopened cans of Spam. The heat generated inside the can during microwaving can cause a buildup of pressure, leading to the risk of explosion.

Always transfer the Spam slices to a microwave-safe dish before cooking and dispose of the can properly.

Overcrowding the Microwave

Avoid overcrowding the microwave by trying to cook too many slices of Spam at once. Overcrowding impedes proper airflow and may result in uneven cooking. Allow enough space between the slices or use multiple dishes if necessary to ensure adequate exposure to heat.

Using Plastic Wraps or Covers Not Labeled as Microwave-Safe

When covering the dish containing Spam in the microwave, make sure to use microwave-safe lids, covers, or wraps. Some plastic materials may not be suitable for microwave use and can release harmful chemicals when exposed to heat. Look for products specifically labeled as microwave-safe to ensure food safety.

Each microwave model and wattage may vary slightly in terms of cooking times. It’s important to follow the recommended cooking times provided on the Spam packaging or in the recipe you are using. Adjusting the cooking time according to your microwave’s power level ensures that the Spam is cooked thoroughly without being overdone.

Benefits of Microwaving Spam

Microwaving Spam offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for those seeking a quick and easy meal option. Here are some points highlighting the benefits of microwaving Spam:

Time Efficiency

Microwaving Spam is a time-efficient cooking method. Unlike traditional stovetop or oven cooking, which requires preheating and longer cooking times, microwaving allows you to have a hot and ready-to-eat meal in a matter of minutes. This makes it ideal for individuals with busy schedules or those looking for a quick meal solution.


Microwaving Spam offers unmatched convenience. The canned nature of Spam allows for easy storage and extended shelf life, making it readily available whenever you’re in need of a quick meal. With microwaving, you can have a satisfying and flavorful dish without the need for extensive meal preparation or cleanup.

Versatility in Recipe Options

Microwaving Spam opens up a world of culinary possibilities. You can enjoy it as a standalone dish, incorporate it into salads, sandwiches, wraps, or even add it to your favorite pasta dishes.

The ease of microwaving allows you to experiment with different recipes and flavors, giving you the flexibility to create a variety of meals according to your preferences.

Enhanced Flavor and Texture

Microwaving Spam can result in a delicious and flavorful outcome. The microwave helps retain the moisture and natural juices of the meat, resulting in a tender and succulent texture. The quick cooking process also helps to preserve the flavors and aromas of the Spam, ensuring a tasty meal with minimal effort.

Portion Control

Microwaving Spam allows for easy portion control. With individually packaged slices, you can easily heat the desired amount without having to cook an entire can. This helps in reducing food waste and allows you to customize your meal according to your appetite and dietary needs.

Nutritional Value

Microwaving Spam can be a source of essential nutrients. While it is considered a processed meat, Spam contains a variety of proteins, vitamins, and minerals such as iron and vitamin B12. By pairing microwaved Spam with nutritious sides like vegetables or whole grains, you can create a balanced and satisfying meal.

Budget-Friendly Option

Microwaving Spam offers an economical choice for budget-conscious individuals. Compared to other meat options, Spam is relatively affordable and provides a cost-effective way to enjoy a protein-rich meal. It can be a suitable alternative for those looking to stretch their food budget without compromising on taste and convenience.

What to Do with Cooked Spam

Once you have cooked Spam, there are various delicious and creative ways to incorporate it into your meals. Here are some points on what to do with cooked Spam:

Spam Sandwiches or Wraps

One of the simplest and most popular ways to enjoy cooked Spam is by making sandwiches or wraps. Slice the cooked Spam into thin strips or squares and layer it between bread slices or tortillas along with your favorite condiments, vegetables, and cheeses.

You can add lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, pickles, or even mustard to enhance the flavors. Another delicious option is to transform cooked Spam into a flavorful bread pudding, combining it with bread, eggs, milk, and spices for a delightful twist.

Spam Fried Rice

Transform your cooked Spam into a flavorful and hearty fried rice dish. Dice the cooked Spam into small cubes and stir-fry it with cooked rice, mixed vegetables, scrambled eggs, soy sauce, and your choice of seasonings. The savory and slightly salty taste of Spam adds a delicious twist to this classic Asian-inspired dish.

Spam Salad

Create a refreshing and protein-packed salad by combining cooked Spam with fresh greens, such as lettuce or spinach. Slice or dice the cooked Spam and mix it with your favorite salad ingredients, such as cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and cheese. Drizzle with a tangy dressing of your choice for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

Spam Stir-Fry

Add cooked Spam to a stir-fry for a quick and flavorful dinner option. Cut the cooked Spam into strips or cubes and stir-fry it with an assortment of colorful vegetables, such as bell peppers, onions, carrots, and broccoli. Season with soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and other desired spices to create a delicious and wholesome stir-fry dish.

Spam Tacos or Burritos

Give your tacos or burritos a unique twist by incorporating cooked Spam. Warm up tortillas and fill them with sliced or diced cooked Spam, along with your preferred toppings like lettuce, salsa, guacamole, and cheese. The combination of the seasoned Spam with the traditional Mexican flavors creates a fusion of taste that is sure to satisfy your cravings.

Spam Pizza Toppings

Get creative with your pizza toppings by adding cooked Spam. Slice the cooked Spam into thin rounds or dice it into small pieces and use it as a topping along with your favorite pizza sauce, cheese, and other toppings. The savory and slightly smoky flavor of the Spam complements the cheesy goodness of the pizza, creating a unique and tasty combination.

Spam Breakfast Hash

Start your day with a hearty breakfast hash featuring cooked Spam. Dice the cooked Spam and sauté it with diced potatoes, onions, and bell peppers. Season with salt, pepper, and any desired herbs or spices. Top it off with a fried or poached egg for a complete and satisfying breakfast.

Other Methods to Enjoy Spam

Other Methods to Enjoy Spam

While microwaving Spam is a convenient and popular way to prepare it, there are several other methods you can explore to enjoy this versatile meat product. Here are some points on other methods to enjoy Spam:


Pan-frying Spam can provide a crispy and delicious texture. Cut the Spam into slices or cubes and heat a skillet over medium heat. Add a small amount of oil or butter to the skillet and place the Spam in a single layer.

Cook for a few minutes on each side until it turns golden brown and crispy. Pan-fried Spam can be enjoyed on its own as a snack or used as a savory addition to sandwiches, salads, or breakfast dishes.


Grilling Spam adds a smoky and charred flavor to this already flavorful meat product. Cut the Spam into thick slices or cubes and preheat the grill to medium-high heat. Place the Spam on the grill grates and cook for a few minutes on each side until grill marks appear.

The heat of the grill will enhance the taste and texture of the Spam, making it a great option for BBQs or outdoor gatherings.


Baking Spam can result in a tender and slightly crispy texture. Preheat the oven to a moderate temperature (around 350°F or 180°C). Slice the Spam into desired shapes and arrange them on a baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for about 15-20 minutes until the Spam is heated through and lightly browned. Baked Spam can be enjoyed as a standalone dish or incorporated into various recipes like casseroles or pasta dishes.

Spam Sushi

For sushi enthusiasts, Spam can be a unique and tasty filling for sushi rolls. Slice the Spam into thin strips and lightly pan-fry them to enhance the flavor and texture. Prepare sushi rice, nori seaweed sheets, and your favorite sushi fillings like cucumber, avocado, or pickled vegetables.

Roll the Spam strips and other fillings tightly in the nori sheets using a sushi mat. Slice the sushi roll into bite-sized pieces and serve with soy sauce and wasabi for a delightful twist on traditional sushi.

Spam Skewers

Create flavorful and easy-to-eat Spam skewers for a fun appetizer or party snack. Cut the Spam into cubes and thread them onto skewers alternating with vegetables like bell peppers, onions, or cherry tomatoes. Brush the skewers with a marinade or sauce of your choice, such as teriyaki or BBQ sauce.

Grill or broil the skewers until the Spam is cooked through and the vegetables are tender. The combination of Spam and vegetables on a skewer adds visual appeal and makes for a convenient finger food option.

Spam Omelette

Incorporate diced or sliced Spam into a delicious breakfast omelette for a hearty and protein-packed start to your day. Beat eggs with a splash of milk, salt, and pepper. In a hot skillet, cook the Spam until it’s slightly browned, then pour the beaten eggs over it. Add additional fillings like cheese, vegetables, or herbs if desired.

Cook until the omelette is set and golden on the bottom, then fold it over and cook for a little longer until fully cooked. The Spam adds a savory element to the omelette, making it a satisfying morning meal.

Spam Stew or Soup

Use diced Spam as a flavorful addition to stews or soups. Whether it’s a hearty vegetable stew, a bean-based soup, or a spicy chili, the addition of Spam can bring depth of flavor and richness to the dish.

Simmer the stew or soup ingredients together, and add the diced Spam towards the end of the cooking process. Allow it to heat through and meld with the other ingredients, infusing the dish with its distinctive taste.


In conclusion, Spam is a versatile and flavorful meat product that can be enjoyed in various ways. While microwaving Spam is a quick and convenient method, there are several other options to explore. From pan-frying and grilling to baking and incorporating it into sushi rolls, the possibilities are endless.

You can also use Spam in omelettes, stews, and soups for added flavor and richness. With its distinct taste and texture, Spam offers a unique culinary experience that can be enjoyed in different dishes and cuisines.

So, go ahead and unleash your creativity in the kitchen to discover new and exciting ways to savor this beloved food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you microwave Spam?

Yes, you can microwave Spam. It is safe to heat it up in the microwave as long as you follow the proper cooking guidelines.

Is it safe to heat up canned Spam in the microwave?

Yes, it is safe to heat up canned Spam in the microwave. Make sure to remove the Spam from the can and place it in a microwave-safe dish before heating.

What happens if you microwave Spam?

When you microwave Spam, it heats up and becomes cooked. The high heat helps to warm the product, making it ready to eat or use in various recipes.

How long should I microwave Spam?

The microwave cooking time for Spam may vary depending on the wattage of your microwave and the desired level of warmth. As a general guideline, heat the Spam for approximately 1-2 minutes.

Can you put the entire can of Spam in the microwave?

No, you should not put the entire can of Spam in the microwave. It is important to remove the Spam from the can and transfer it to a microwave-safe dish before heating.

Are there any precautions to take when microwaving Spam?

When microwaving Spam, it is recommended to cover the dish with a microwave-safe lid or microwave-safe plastic wrap to prevent splattering. Additionally, make sure to use oven mitts or a towel to handle the hot dish after microwaving.

Can microwaving Spam affect its taste or texture?

Microwaving Spam may slightly alter its taste and texture compared to other cooking methods. It may become slightly softer and juicier due to the heating process. However, the overall flavor and texture of Spam remain relatively consistent when microwaved properly.

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